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Digital Transformation Services–Unlock Your Business’s Future Potential

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

Learn more about the services that fall under the umbrella of digital transformation services, and discover how they can help you scale your business.

Not that long ago, businesses and corporations conducted most business through analog methods like onboarding clients via paper processes and manually organizing files in cabinets. These days, it’s impossible to consider scaling a business offline.

As the digital age continues to grow at rapid rates, it’s forcing organizations to transition away from manual systems and towards computer-based digital services, or they face becoming obsolete. This growth process includes adapting to new technologies, revamping digital systems, and producing better and more competitive results.

The importance of digitalization is not just in scaling your business, though. Digital transformation improves the lives of everyone involved—your customers, your employees, and your partners.

In this post, we’ll show you how digital transformation services can significantly impact the growth of modern enterprises, including six examples you can begin applying today.

What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is a multi-faceted change that takes place when businesses incorporate new technologies to update standard operations. As a result, most companies connect digital transformation with a significant shift in customer interaction, product development, and service.

On another level, digital transformation provides cultural shifts throughout the organization; new access to technology creates expanded innovation, growth, and exploration. Team members who experience digital transformation firsthand are likely to help the business accelerate its growth and goals over time.

According to Salesforce, digital transformation is:

“...changing the way business gets done and, in some cases, creating entirely new classes of businesses. With digital transformation, companies are taking a step back and revisiting everything they do, from internal systems to customer interactions both online and in-person.”

What are digital transformation services?

Digital transformation services include any activity that helps a business accomplish digital growth, usually provided by third-party vendors. Whether internal or external, it doesn’t necessarily matter what kind of digital growth you’re trying to achieve; there’s a service provider out there for you.

Any reputable digital transformation service provider will have expertise in a particular technology or problem they solve. Not only does this framework provide an outside technological perspective, but it also creates more business-to-business (B2B) opportunities.

Teaming up with third-party digital transformation specialists can make your migration process not only smoother but more efficient entirely.

Examples of digital transformation products and services

Since digital transformation happens at many levels within a company, several types of products and services fall under this category. Some of the most common digital transformation services are described in detail below.

1. Artificial intelligence

Businesses are increasingly interested in artificial intelligence (AI) technology to improve both internal and external processes. Internally, AI systems can enhance daily business operations and introduce greater transparency across departments.

From the business-to-consumer perspective, AI systems can help reach customers during off-hours, improve response rates, and make smart recommendations. As a result, AI is an integral part of digital transformation for organizations that want to be creative in their approach to consumer relationships.

2. Cloud computing and enablement

A contemporary approach to business often means making a full migration to the cloud. For businesses that haven’t taken the leap yet, digital transformation services include cloud migration, computing, and security.

Cloud-based systems can help businesses maintain a safe, secure, and competitive edge when stacked against others in their industry. A cloud-based framework also ensures productivity and efficiency for internal team members who benefit from greater flexibility.

3. Enterprise application management

Enterprise organizations rely on many critical systems to function and deliver services to customers. Unfortunately, upward growth and mobility often means that these systems become cumbersome and difficult to manage. A lack of integration also creates privacy risks and vulnerabilities in cybersecurity.

Digital transformation involves consolidating enterprise applications into one seamless platform or into a single system that delivers results. Not only does this eliminate confusion internally, but it also improves customer communication, service, and relationships.

4. Intelligent process automation

In the modern digital age, business moves quickly. To keep up with the speed of communication, sales, and other important updates, automation tools are crucial.

When businesses commit to digital transformation, this naturally implies some degree of automation. Whether that automation comes via marketing, customer service, data management, or another key area, predictable processes reduce errors and add efficiency.

5. Internet of things (IoT)

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the vast network of connected and wireless devices that offer an internet connection in addition to the device’s primary function. In the next five years alone, the number of connected IoT-affiliated devices may reach 30 billion units, which makes it an expansive field to manage.

Businesses can leverage IoT services for transportation upgrades, mobile device management, building or structural updates, and more. A digital transformation service provider that specializes in IoT solutions is the best choice for getting up to speed in this highly innovative area.

6. Software engineering

Software and product engineering are only as good as the foundation they’re built upon. If the foundation lacks digital advancement, the software and product ecosystem may suffer. This means less technical advancement, missed revenue potential, and a lower competitive ranking when compared to similar businesses.

When it comes to digital transformation services, don’t ignore the importance of software production and maintenance. Digital transformation helps create more agile teams that build and develop more robust products.

Developing robust workflows begins with digital transformation—without considering the transformation process from the beginning, you’re setting yourself up to rework your processes over and over.

What is data’s role in digital transformation?

If digital transformation is top of mind at your company, don’t neglect the value of having reliable data at your fingertips. For digital transformation to be effective, relevant data must be available to inform each new technology or procedure.

Moreover, data simplifies workflow processes and systems. Since digital transformation aims to streamline and modernize existing processes, data is the fuel that allows transformation to happen in the first place.

Both digital transformation and data policies should add value to every business interaction (internally and externally). If they don’t, it’s essential to take a step back and evaluate what needs to change to accomplish its goals and embrace new technologies.

Why does digital transformation matter for AI technology?

For businesses, digital transformation often introduces or opens the door to AI platforms and tools. For companies new to artificial intelligence, transforming the culture into an AI-friendly one can make all the difference for upward mobility.

Although AI isn’t the only component of digital transformation, it naturally accompanies many other areas, including software development and enterprise-level administration.

How to grow your business with digital transformation

If you want your digital transformation efforts to succeed, you should have a clear purpose and the desired end goal. Although digital transformation is essential (and likely here to stay), you should always know what you want to accomplish for your business.

If you want to grow and transform, start with the following steps.

1. Think critically. Compare the current business infrastructure and IT architecture to the world at large. How does it stack up? What needs to change? Being realistic, creative, and highly critical will allow you to choose the digital transformation service that’s right for your business needs at a given time.

2. Upgrade legacy systems. Although they offer familiarity, legacy systems are notoriously ineffective and expensive to maintain. If the majority of an IT budget goes to legacy system upkeep, there’s very little room left for innovation. Upgrade or replace these systems as soon as possible if you want your digital transformation to take off.

3. Develop KPIs specific to digital transformation. It’s tough to gauge digital transformation success without KPIs. At the start of your organization’s digital journey, get very clear about the results you want to see. Create attainable and stretch goals, and vocalize these goals clearly to your digital transformation service provider.

Key takeaways

Digital transformation begins with a vision to grow and a commitment to adopt. Although it’s a relatively broad and generic term, the implications of digital transformation are significant for modern businesses that are striving for more.

Digital transformation services can help your business overcome technical roadblocks. No matter where you find yourself on the journey, investing in the right resources at the right time enables you to maintain an edge in a competitive marketplace.

Are you curious how AI systems can help your organization undergo a total digital transformation? Connect with our team to learn more about the AI solution that aligns with your business goals.

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